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starlim City Triathlon Austria Wels 2022

Termin starlim City Triathlon Austria Wels 2022

The date for the starlim City Triathlon Austria Wels has been fixed for 2022. The LOC has once again bid for the organisation of a Junior European Cup and today received the confirmation from Europe Triathlon. As a result, the date was fixed at 11.06. - 12.06.2022.

A triathlon weekend at the highest level is thus expected in Wels in 2022. As is well known, the Austrian triathlon federation ÖTRV has already awarded the Austrian national championships to Wels in 2020 for 2022 and with the award of the Junior European Cup, the quality of the event will be raised even higher. "We are very happy to be able to host two high-quality events at the starlim Triathlon in Wels next year. We can hardly wait to welcome the young stars from Europe and the best triathletes from Austria," says LOC Thomas Alt.

SilberHolz pontoon once again

Triathlonstart beim starlim City Triathlon Austria Wels
Also in 2022, the unique SilberHolz pontoon will provide a great atmosphere

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an individual start was prescribed for the national race in the last two years. For 2022, hopes are high that we will finally be able to offer a mass start again. A total of 12 tonnes of wood with 300 floats will be assembled into a 300m² start pontoon on the day before the starlim City TRIATHLON AUSTRIA Wels. "We at SilberHolz are extremely proud to be able to contribute to this great event," says managing director Norbert Silber of the company SilberHolz.

City circuit as an organisational challenge


The starlim City Triathlon Austria Wels is characterised by a modern multi-lap format right through the city. The triathletes pass the HUMER spectator hotspot a total of 11 times when they tackle the bike laps in the style of a bike criterium and the run course through the old town of Wels. These Highlights also have their organisational hurdles. A total of more than 230 people are needed to stage this event this weekend.

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