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starlim City Triathlon Austria FestiWels


Be there for the highlights of the popular starlim City TRIATHLON AUSTRIA FestiWels. Whether for professionals or triathlon beginners, there is a suitable race for everyone. The exciting course. of the triathlon distance sprint will thrill you and your fans. Thanks to the spectator-friendly multi-lap format, you will pass the HUMER-ANHÄNGER roundabout at Weliosplatz a whopping 11 times before finishing in a goose-pimple atmosphere.

Läufer auf der zuschauerfreundlichen Laufrunde
Eines der Highlights ist die Startrampe

300m² floating dock

Our centrepiece at the "starlim City TRIATHLON AUSTRIA FestiWels" is the 300m² SilberHolz-floating dock, which promises you a triathlon start in World Cup style. With a daring jump you plunge into the crystal clear water of the Traun and swim on this one-way Swim course towards the centre of the city of Wels. To guarantee fast swim splits, you will crawl downstream. Also perfect for triathlon beginners is our neoprene permit for the Open Race.


Get on your bike in the beautiful Stadthallenpark, where you change to the bike course In the style of a cycling criterium, you will race through Wels on a completely closed road. There are a total of five four-kilometre laps to complete. On each lap you will pass the spectator hotspot at Weliosplatz and experience the great atmosphere up close. Time trial bikes are also allowed.

Gerald Will beim Radfahren
Läuferin am Stadtplatz

City Run

This is followed by a city centre run worthy of a city triathlon. The highlight of this run course is the picturesque castle garden of Wels, followed by the old town and the Welser Stadtplatz. At the end of each lap, the Ledererturm, the famous landmark of the city of Wels, awaits you. In total, you have to complete three laps of 1.66 km each before you finish at Weliosplatz and are celebrated by your fans.


Don't miss any news about the starlim City TRIATHLON AUSTRIA FestiWels!